The Deputy Dhaliwal Memorial is in finally completed with a huge thanks to MUD 130! We are still working on making some minor adjustments to the memorial and maintaining this site. A huge thanks to all that donated towards our efforts and all who contributed ideas and helping it come to fruition. A community effort for many to enjoy for years to come.
The memorial will need to be maintained yearly and we will need full community support in the maintenance of this beautiful site. If you are interested please feel free to click the link below to get more details.
Officer Sandeep Dhaliwal was "known for his heart of gold and for putting others before himself, He was a trailblazer. He was an example for many, He represented his community with respect and pride", -Harris County Police Commissioner Adrian Garcia
Deputy Sandeep Singh Dhaliwal
Committee Head: Javier Garcia Here is how you can help out. See something, say something. It is vital that we all do our part to keep our community safe. Contact the local Sheriff non-emergency number at 713-221-6000 or log on to for more information.
For the general community: We have N
Committee Head: Javier Garcia Here is how you can help out. See something, say something. It is vital that we all do our part to keep our community safe. Contact the local Sheriff non-emergency number at 713-221-6000 or log on to for more information.
For the general community: We have Neighborhood Watch Signs for those part of the committee. We want to thank homeowners that have taken the time to be a part of this group. The Neighborhood Watch Program provides the extra eyes and ears for our Sheriff officers. We get to know the neighbors and vehicles that are part of our community. We know which houses are up for sale or vacant, and call non-emergency if you see unusual activity. .
What is common and targets:
-Burglary of Motor Vehicle (BMV):
Theft of items taken from inside vehicle.
-Criminal Mischief
Vandalism of personal property or community common areas -Burglary of Habitation
With the curfew in place and many working from home, vehicles driving in the neighborhood between Midnight to 6:00am are considered
What is common and targets:
-Burglary of Motor Vehicle (BMV):
Theft of items taken from inside vehicle.
-Criminal Mischief
Vandalism of personal property or community common areas -Burglary of Habitation
With the curfew in place and many working from home, vehicles driving in the neighborhood between Midnight to 6:00am are considered suspicious. Some of us are "Essential Workers" who have letters in hand stating such, and can be out on the roads during these hours. Our community has 4 Flock Security entrance cameras that take pictures of license plates should our officers need that information and our Pool area has 8 cameras to help ensure we have a few extra eyes in our community.
We want to thank all of those that are following the orders from Harris County and Federal Gov't of keeping a 6ft distance while out and about walking in the community and parks. Be safe and keep posted for updates on this group.